Schoolyard Safety Procedures

Dear PS 101 Parents/Guardians:

As the warmer weather is upon us, we need your cooperation to ensure safety in our schoolyard area after dismissal. Although it is a public playground, we do ask for your shared hand to ensure safety first.

  • Please speak with your child to avoid playing contact sports in which a ball may injure a bystander or child playing in the playground.
  • Please refrain from allowing your child to use electric scooters, e-bikes or bicycles in the schoolyard, as this is a serious accident waiting to happen.
  • Student scooters and bicycles use are not permitted in the schoolyard until after 3:00 PM to ensure a safe and orderly dismissal. At this time, many children are playing, and the schoolyard is crowded.
  • Please ensure students are not lifting or playing with the rubber safety mats or digging up the grass/dirt areas in the schoolyard, or throwing debris on the slide or jungle gym equipment. We all need to work together to preserve and respect our community playground.
  • Direct supervision from parents is needed when children are playing in the schoolyard to ensure eyes are always watching. Please be responsible to supervise your child when they are playing.

It is for the safety of our children that we follow these rules and never put your child or another child in unnecessary harm’s way. We greatly need and appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you for your continued support.

Gregg Korrol


Parenting 101

Greetings PS101 Families,

Due to some recent news items, I want to emphasize a crucial matter regarding the safety of our children at home, specifically in relation to medication.

It’s essential for all of us to be vigilant and take steps to ensure that our little ones do not have access to any medication not prescribed to them by a doctor. Children are naturally curious, and their exploration can sometimes lead them to places we might not expect.

To address this concern, please consider securing all medications in your home by using a lock on your medicine cabinet or placing them in a location that is out of reach for children. This simple precautionary measure can go a long way in preventing accidental ingestion.

Furthermore, take a moment to speak with your child about the importance of never putting anything in their mouths that is not explicitly given to them by a trusted adult or a healthcare professional. This conversation can serve as a crucial step in building awareness and ensuring their safety.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your commitment to creating a safe environment at home is instrumental in promoting the well-being of our children.

Take care,


REMINDER: School Safety Meeting (Town Hall)


Please Save the Date – Friday, February 2nd at 9:30 am – Room 304 (Library)

Dear PS 101 Parents/Guardians:

As a school community, we all want to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. Each month our School Safety Committee meets together to discuss measures of safety, school events and concerns to better provide a safe learning environment.

For our February meeting, we are cordially inviting parents to join us for our annual Town Hall meeting in PS101K to share in quality conversations regarding our school.

Our agenda will be shared during the meeting, and then posted on our school website afterwards.  Parents are welcome to attend!

The meeting will take place on Friday, February 2nd, 2024 at 9:30 am.


Gregg Korrol


School Safety Meeting (Town Hall)


Please Save the Date – Friday, February 2nd at 9:30 am – Room 304 (Library)

Dear PS 101 Parents/Guardians:

As a school community, we all want to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. Each month our School Safety Committee meets together to discuss measures of safety, school events and concerns to better provide a safe learning environment.

For our February meeting, we are cordially inviting parents to join us for our annual Town Hall meeting in PS101K to share in quality conversations regarding our school.

Our agenda will be shared during the meeting, and then posted on our school website afterwards.  Parents are welcome to attend!

The meeting will take place on Friday, February 2nd, 2024 at 9:30 am.


Gregg Korrol


Schoolyard Safety

Dear PS 101 Parents/Guardians:

A gentle reminder to please refrain from using your electric scooters or e-bikes in the schoolyard, as this is a serious accident waiting to happen. Please work with me to ensure the safety for students, parents, and staff.

Additionally, please be advised, student scooters and bicycles use are not permitted in the schoolyard until after 3:00 PM to ensure a safe and orderly dismissal. Smoking and pets are NOT permitted as well.

I rely on your cooperation and partnership to ensure a safe school environment while in our schoolyard. School Safety will be patrolling the perimeter of the school building to help promote safe sidewalks and schoolyard.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Gregg Korrol


Safer Access system- Doors Locked

Dear Families,

We have some important news to share regarding the safety measures at our school. In line with our commitment to enhance security practices, all NYC Public Schools will have a Safer Access system installed during the 2023-25 school years. PS 101 has already had our Safer Access System installed. The Safer Access system is designed to strengthen our existing safety and security practices as part of the overall visitor protocols at our school.

What is Safer Access?
The primary objective of the Safer Access system is to ensure that all doors remain locked outside of the morning-entry and afternoon-dismissal periods. When school doors are locked, visitors wishing to gain access to the building will ring the intercom at the main entrance door (or ADA-accessibility entrance if applicable) and identify themselves before access is granted into the school building. Safer Access allows our dedicated staff assigned to the main desk (School Safety Agents and/or school staff) to be able to see and speak with visitors before granting them access inside. Please be assured that all visitors to our school will continue to be treated with courtesy, professionalism, and respect while awaiting entry into our building. In addition to enhancing safety, this system allows for easy access for first responders during an emergency. We look forward to the NYC Public Schools Safer Access system creating a safer environment for everyone. Please feel free to contact Parent Coordinator Bing if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our school community safe.

Safer Access Family Letter available in:

Warm regards,

Schoolyard Safety at Dismissal

Dear PS 101 Parents/Guardians:

Please refrain from using your electric scooters or e-bikes in the schoolyard, as this is a serious accident waiting to happen. Please work with me to ensure the safety for students, parents, and staff.

Additionally, please be advised, student scooters and bicycles use are not permitted in the schoolyard until after 3:00 PM to ensure a safe and orderly dismissal.

I rely on your cooperation and partnership to ensure a safe school environment while in our schoolyard. School Safety will be patrolling the perimeter of the school building to help promote safe sidewalks and schoolyard.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Gregg Korrol


Safety Issue: No Double Parking

Dear Parents/Guardians:

School safety is a shared responsibility of all members of our school community

Do not double-park your car. Double parking creates traffic and a dangerous situation for children and parents on the surrounding block(s). Due to the traffic that is being created, NYPD said they will be coming to the school to both ticket and tow cars double parked.

Arrival and dismissal are crucial times of the day when all parents dropping off and picking up children from Pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade need to be aware of and considerate of students walking to and from the building.

It is for the safety of our children that we need to follow these rules and never put your child or another child in unnecessary harm’s way. We greatly need and appreciate your cooperation.


Gregg Korrol

Principal and our School Safety Committee